Thursday, January 31, 2008


That was the word of the day, youll see why in a few secs

I started out the morning doing some outdoor HIIT running with a 60sec/120sec run/walk split. after about 20-25 mins and about an mile and a half of that fun stuff, i called it quits and proceeded to collect on my five guys meal from my buddy kevin that I proudly won last night. I told you the plane on a tredmill would fly!!!!!!

After that i got dressed and went down to the hood to do some squats.

Started with kneeling jump ups
2 sets of 5, third set with a 15-20 lb bar on my back.

then on to my last week of highbox squats(1" above parallel
135X5.. i can count now
405X 1/2... ryan helped
then i tried it again
405X0 Got stapled hardcore. I dont know why cuz last week i did 20 lbs more, but oh well

then onto split squats
5lb bar on backX6/leg

then SL DL's

Looking forward to some tireflips tomorrow!

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