First, a pic of my newest ink. Now this is a pic from my blackberry, which suprisingly takes horrible pictures, but anywhere here it is

Its not much, but i like it. Once it finishes healing, it will look alot better. its about 3-4"s wide on my right forearm, right before the elbow.
Ok, onto this mornings training. I met my section leader @ his prissy ass gym called PF fitness. This place is THE absolute faggetiest place ive ever had the displeasure of training at. all the machines and weights are PURPLE! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Its nothing but old ladies, faggety guys doing curls with 10 lbs on a curl bar and more old ladies. They wont even let you wear a beanie or anything on your head besides a baseball cap. They dont seem to like people who actually lift real weights, although i did see a hot chick doing front squats. anyway. I started with..
barbell bench
barX5.. and when i got into my arched form, i got some funny ass looks, but that was just the begining.
this is where i had to go searching for plates, b/c the bench tree only had a total of 4 plates. I got some real nice looks as im loading 315 on a bench without a spotter. The absolute horrid atmosphere or the early hour must have hindered my focus b/c i only got
315X2. then i did my burnout set
onto db incline, which the was kinda hindered b/c the DB's only go to 80#
90X8.. too easy
onto pull ups
4 sets, different number of reps
BB bent rows
this is where i got broke off. I did interval training on the tredmill for 25 mins and Durring the last two sprints, i was dry heaving while running, but like i stated earlier, nothing was there to come out. I finished that and stagger to the water machine to get a drink. I was pretty damn sore and it wasnt even 645 yet. christ, i know why im not active duty!
Im gonna try to go to Orlando Barbell while im here to check out top powerlifter Brian shwabs place. wednesday will be the day i go and if i do, im gonna have pics of me doing some TB deads in a semi famous hardcore gym. Hell I might even meet the man himself! Goodtimes.
Cant wait to get home to my bed, my sleeping in and a big set of boobs in my hand
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