Wednesday, January 9, 2008

ME upperbody with the beasts

Ryan and myself decided to stay up in civilization yesterday to do our big boy training. After a nice deception to get my "army buddy"(with a multicolored afro) into the gym without charge, we mosy our way back to the dark corner. With Brittany spears slightly blaring above our heads, we dig into the weights. Of course while we were training, Ryan watson who is a big time Personal trainer, an amazing athelete and a profesional bodybuilding weighing in at rock solid 280lbs @ 6'2", was training too which made our big boy lifts look like a wednesday morning womens pilates class. But we "soldier'd on" anyway.

Big boy bench
335X2 aaaand finally
225X12, which SUCKED!

Then we did Tbar Rows, which catches looks from average lifters when you put a bar in the corner and throw alot of weight on it! "Dont they make a machine that does that?"
6X4 and

then we did upward cable rows in the front of the mirror, just too look at myself fully flexed.
3 setsX8
then a burnout set for 21 reps

did some pull ups and that was it for lifting, which I was pretty taxed.

I went up and did some cardio
10 mins on horizontal bike which is working great for my flexability. I keep the seat really close so i have to widen my legs to peddle
then 15 mins on the eliptical, which I hate, but oh well.

Make sure you always completely wipe before sitting on a bycicle seat!

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