Friday, October 17, 2008

camp 10/16

Full dynamic warm up...
followed by a 1/4 mile jog.

started with a nice little circuit. 3 stations.
cinder block clean and pressX8 reps
60lb sand bag loading onto a 42" plaformX8 reps
10 burpies... NO REST IN BETWEEN.

The stations were set up about 20 yards in between each other and they had to sprint in between stations. That circuit was done 3 times with 2 mins break in between each set

Next we did tire push wars. 2 sets of one minute. Im going to film this next time so everyone can know what im talking about.

2 minute static stretching.

Monday, October 13, 2008

10/9 womens camp

Dyanamic warm up

Tabata (20secs on, 10 secs rest...8sets)
18" plyo jump
tire flip... 3 min break in between exercises

alternating tire rows super setted with cinder block clean and press

2 strap lengths X1
5 reps X1

3 strap lengths X2
8 reps X2.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

10/7 womens camp

Heres another entry from the womens camp session.

a couple of the chicks had a cruise to go on last weekend, so i shofted focus for a week or so to straight cardio to help them look their best(plus guys dont dig scars from the tire). But now that they are back, its time to get strong again.

Extensive dynamic warm up including incline pushups and split squats.

3 rounds, 3 exercses.
dumbell floor press with 25lb dumbells
18" box step ups with 10lbs/hand
overhead tire drag 50 yards.

DB press 12/10/8
step ups 10/15/10/leg
sled drag 3 sets of 50 yards

static stretching afterwards

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tueday 9/30 female camp

Started off with a unique warm up

2 mins running in place
10 yard lunge forward
10 yeard reverse lunge
120 yard shuttle sprint
30/30 forward reverse shuttle sprints
1 min of various stretching.

3-1/4 mile run... 3-4 min rest in between. I took thier first lap time and required them to run the next two laps within 30 seconds of it. gave them enough rest in between to catch their breath.

Tire pushfight.
I took the light tire and stood it up. one person on each side. they do a 1 min "fight" pushing back and forth as to not let the tire hit the ground.

2 sets of that and they were done.