Friday, February 8, 2008

Exciting times In orlando

This post is more like a log of my day yesterday and not really much training.

Ryan and myself decided to head up to Orlando to see the guys at Orlando Barbell and hang out with Brian Schwab, world class lightweight powerlifter. So we arrive around 230p and Brian proceeds show us around. shortly after, Jo Jordan, another elite sponsored powerlifter shows up to shoot the shit with us. well after a little of that along with Jo and Brian riding ryans incredibly small bike, we do some ME lower body.

kneeling jumps
20lb chainX3
20lb chainX2

then Trap Bar deads
315X3 and
that was rough, it was a different handle than im used to so it was difficult

then we did the BA elite fitness systems Gluteham raise bench. That thing is awesome

then did 3 sets of leg lift crunches on the flat bench to make it feel like i did a workout.

After that we got changed and headed out to beef o bradys. Brian gave us both a Orlando barbell shirt, which is badass(currently wearing as i type) We then sat and bullshited for about 3 hours with Brian his wife and a friend. Matt V showed up for about an hour and we talked. I think we might be finally getting through to him :) meanwhile, 6-7 pitchers later, we part ways with Brian and his wife. Thank them for their hospitality and head over to a friend of ryans house to change and head out again. We head out to Orlando Ale house and pound two more pitchers, and ate some good food. saw a beautiful set of brand new fake D's, it was niiiiiice!

After that, we headed out to a country bar called cowboys, where there was an abundance of hot ass, just floating around. We had a couple more beers and just listened to some good music, which watching said hot ass. We go to leave and the cute little bartender realizes that she gave ryans card and ID to someone else. So ryan is stuck in orlando with 2 dollars on him and no ID. Guess who got to pay for food and gas the rest of the night? :) we head back to billys house and decide that ryan is sober now and we will just make the 90 min trek back home instead of staying overnight. All and all, i had a great night. Now i get to head back to orlando in the morning to play army for the weekend. yaaaaay!

Its a modified version, i swear...

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