That was the word of the day, youll see why in a few secs
I started out the morning doing some outdoor HIIT running with a 60sec/120sec run/walk split. after about 20-25 mins and about an mile and a half of that fun stuff, i called it quits and proceeded to collect on my five guys meal from my buddy kevin that I proudly won last night. I told you the plane on a tredmill would fly!!!!!!
After that i got dressed and went down to the hood to do some squats.
Started with kneeling jump ups
2 sets of 5, third set with a 15-20 lb bar on my back.
then on to my last week of highbox squats(1" above parallel
135X5.. i can count now
405X 1/2... ryan helped
then i tried it again
405X0 Got stapled hardcore. I dont know why cuz last week i did 20 lbs more, but oh well
then onto split squats
5lb bar on backX6/leg
then SL DL's
Looking forward to some tireflips tomorrow!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Now onto todys.. RYAN PUKED
I SEEN IT! it was awesome. anyway
Wow, i have to use twice the wit now, im kinda sweatin over here. So i was reading up on the meca of weight training ( of course) and it says that using these things called "boards" will get you as strong as ronnie coleman, arnold and dave tate combined. So i was curious. Turns out, they were right. OK seriously we worked with the new boards we just built, ill have to get a pic soon. I did the 2 board workout. (for the newbs, go to and search "board training" to see what it is)
add the two board
345x1 and
they all felt easy as hell. im very stoked on my progress. Im gonna be shooting for over 400 on this by the end of feb.
onto BB bent rows
then blast strap medium bands around the back pushups...
shit was no joke, really spread apart the pecs
Lat pulldowns
Heres where ryan puked.... 4 trips with the prowler weighted with 90lbs. mine totaled to 120 yards, his wss 160... , I almost puked after seeing him puke, but my pride kept it down...but after that we were done. no carido, no sports.. do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.
Remember kids, if you dont want to be conditioned, just be a powerlifter :)
Wow, i have to use twice the wit now, im kinda sweatin over here. So i was reading up on the meca of weight training ( of course) and it says that using these things called "boards" will get you as strong as ronnie coleman, arnold and dave tate combined. So i was curious. Turns out, they were right. OK seriously we worked with the new boards we just built, ill have to get a pic soon. I did the 2 board workout. (for the newbs, go to and search "board training" to see what it is)
add the two board
345x1 and
they all felt easy as hell. im very stoked on my progress. Im gonna be shooting for over 400 on this by the end of feb.
onto BB bent rows
then blast strap medium bands around the back pushups...
shit was no joke, really spread apart the pecs
Lat pulldowns
Heres where ryan puked.... 4 trips with the prowler weighted with 90lbs. mine totaled to 120 yards, his wss 160... , I almost puked after seeing him puke, but my pride kept it down...but after that we were done. no carido, no sports.. do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.
Remember kids, if you dont want to be conditioned, just be a powerlifter :)
Sorry about the delay
I actually did this little wannabe bodybulding workout on saturday but b/c im such a lazy asshole and wasnt feeling very witty the past couple days, i didnt post it. Hell ill be luck if I even remember what i did. I do know that i was at everyones favorite comercial gym so i had to deal with 182 lb mirror monkeys throwing around those oh so serious 20 lb dumbells. So I manahged to sneak into the poorly lit back area where they keep the big boy weights(hench why I was pretty much alone) Threw on some atreyu and here we go.
Flat BB bench
then into closegrip lat pull downs
then did DB curls just to fit in. Now you have to picture me in front a huge mirror just admiring my amazing biceps while i do this exercise.
so now im feeling like jay cutler/ronnie coleman and johnie jackson, all rolled up into one jacked ass ball
onto BB shrugs
315X15.. damn grip gave out
then i did hyperextension just for a back pump
was gonna do cardio, but i decided taking a nap was alot more fun.
Remember, fat people used to be the shit!
Flat BB bench
then into closegrip lat pull downs
then did DB curls just to fit in. Now you have to picture me in front a huge mirror just admiring my amazing biceps while i do this exercise.
so now im feeling like jay cutler/ronnie coleman and johnie jackson, all rolled up into one jacked ass ball
onto BB shrugs
315X15.. damn grip gave out
then i did hyperextension just for a back pump
was gonna do cardio, but i decided taking a nap was alot more fun.
Remember, fat people used to be the shit!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
HEAVY squat day
So i wake up at the ass crack of noon today and im feeling aweful, like im coming down with a hardcore cold. So i figure before i get sick, ill do 2 of my 3 favorite things as much as possible. I got up went and got some great food and proceded down to "da hood" to squat. Ryan wasnt lifting b/c of his race this weekend but I was so he stuck around to coach/spot me. started with
High Box squats(1" above parallel)
225x4 at this point, ryan asks why i was doing 4s and i responded with "i thought i was doing 5" apparently when i have weight on my back, i forget how to count.
then went to
315X1 decided to go heavy
435X1, got it pretty easy so i decided to go up
455X 1/8th I bombed it bad. I dont think my stance was correct and i got pinned to the box. I have a video of it and ill post it as soon as its uploaded
at this point i started feeling the hurt
Barbell stepups
185X5/leg and i sturggled. After that i called it a day and limped away. Apparently that was what it took for my sicknes to set in. Im hurting like hell right now and plan on taking a nap. I want to hit winger tonight and maybe green iggy but its still up in the air
my 3rd favorite thing is sex,
High Box squats(1" above parallel)
225x4 at this point, ryan asks why i was doing 4s and i responded with "i thought i was doing 5" apparently when i have weight on my back, i forget how to count.
then went to
315X1 decided to go heavy
435X1, got it pretty easy so i decided to go up
455X 1/8th I bombed it bad. I dont think my stance was correct and i got pinned to the box. I have a video of it and ill post it as soon as its uploaded
at this point i started feeling the hurt
Barbell stepups
185X5/leg and i sturggled. After that i called it a day and limped away. Apparently that was what it took for my sicknes to set in. Im hurting like hell right now and plan on taking a nap. I want to hit winger tonight and maybe green iggy but its still up in the air
my 3rd favorite thing is sex,
ME Up 1/21
in the hood with a couple other people. Couldnt do my usually routine by the request of a coach, so heres what we did
First i did 25 mins of interval training on the tred
then after an extensive dynamic warmup
Flat bench
DB incline
DB row
SS with
face pulls medium band
ab circuit and we were finshed
First i did 25 mins of interval training on the tred
then after an extensive dynamic warmup
Flat bench
DB incline
DB row
SS with
face pulls medium band
ab circuit and we were finshed
Thursday, January 17, 2008
So powerlifting is NOT cool, apparently...
First yesterday, just did 35 mins of walk/run cardio at the hotel... nothing too big, just working on the cardio and running.
today, I was up at the asscrack of dawn again to be at Pussy fit... uh i mean PF fitness to work out. I walk in with my hoodie, and warmup pants on carrying a 1 gallon jug of water. I am immediately informed that I cannot have a jug of water, only a bottle... holy crap, i didnt think that place could get any worse, but thats what i get for thinking. I was looking at the "inspirational" signs os the wall and a bunch of em say "PF fitness, you fit in here" or " you belong here" freaking vaginas. all the machines, which remember are painted purple, say "Judgement free" on em. It reminds me of "average Joes gym" from dodgeball, minus the cool ass Vince Vaughn.
anyway, back to training.
i get there and plan on just doing some cardio on the eliptical and tred....wrong. My section leader, who is the reason why im at that pussy palace, has other plans for me. After 8 mins on the eliptical, he drags me down to the leg extension machine.... ok ill do that. we start doing reps
1X15 for warm up
2X20 at most of the weight on the purple machine, and
1X30 for half the weight.. 30 reps... thats real fun
meanwhile, were supersetting with calf extensions
2X20 reps
1X30 reps
then we go to the leg press machine
8 platesX20X3
mixed with calf extensions
after this i get into a pissing match about the amount of reps, which i hate, so we get onto the subject of squating. Now remember, I never do reps for legs. Its normally always ME or Dynamic, with 8-10 sets of 2 reps at most so im hurtin from sheer volume. So we go squat and i get into my wide stance and that brings on a whole nother arguement. Finally rank gets pulled, I shut up and squat like a body builder
cooled down on the bike for 6 mins and called it a morning. So in conclusion. Powerlifting isnt cool in Orlando(sorry Brian). I never did make it to OBB b/c brian was busy with his pre comp stuff. Next time ill head over and check it out.
going home in less than 20 hours! w00t
today, I was up at the asscrack of dawn again to be at Pussy fit... uh i mean PF fitness to work out. I walk in with my hoodie, and warmup pants on carrying a 1 gallon jug of water. I am immediately informed that I cannot have a jug of water, only a bottle... holy crap, i didnt think that place could get any worse, but thats what i get for thinking. I was looking at the "inspirational" signs os the wall and a bunch of em say "PF fitness, you fit in here" or " you belong here" freaking vaginas. all the machines, which remember are painted purple, say "Judgement free" on em. It reminds me of "average Joes gym" from dodgeball, minus the cool ass Vince Vaughn.
anyway, back to training.
i get there and plan on just doing some cardio on the eliptical and tred....wrong. My section leader, who is the reason why im at that pussy palace, has other plans for me. After 8 mins on the eliptical, he drags me down to the leg extension machine.... ok ill do that. we start doing reps
1X15 for warm up
2X20 at most of the weight on the purple machine, and
1X30 for half the weight.. 30 reps... thats real fun
meanwhile, were supersetting with calf extensions
2X20 reps
1X30 reps
then we go to the leg press machine
8 platesX20X3
mixed with calf extensions
after this i get into a pissing match about the amount of reps, which i hate, so we get onto the subject of squating. Now remember, I never do reps for legs. Its normally always ME or Dynamic, with 8-10 sets of 2 reps at most so im hurtin from sheer volume. So we go squat and i get into my wide stance and that brings on a whole nother arguement. Finally rank gets pulled, I shut up and squat like a body builder
cooled down on the bike for 6 mins and called it a morning. So in conclusion. Powerlifting isnt cool in Orlando(sorry Brian). I never did make it to OBB b/c brian was busy with his pre comp stuff. Next time ill head over and check it out.
going home in less than 20 hours! w00t
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
ME bench +army PT @ 530am==
==rough morning for me. Im pretty sure if i had anything(liquid or solid) in me, It would have ended up all over the prissy gyms pretty little treadmill. More on that later.
First, a pic of my newest ink. Now this is a pic from my blackberry, which suprisingly takes horrible pictures, but anywhere here it is

Its not much, but i like it. Once it finishes healing, it will look alot better. its about 3-4"s wide on my right forearm, right before the elbow.
Ok, onto this mornings training. I met my section leader @ his prissy ass gym called PF fitness. This place is THE absolute faggetiest place ive ever had the displeasure of training at. all the machines and weights are PURPLE! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Its nothing but old ladies, faggety guys doing curls with 10 lbs on a curl bar and more old ladies. They wont even let you wear a beanie or anything on your head besides a baseball cap. They dont seem to like people who actually lift real weights, although i did see a hot chick doing front squats. anyway. I started with..
barbell bench
barX5.. and when i got into my arched form, i got some funny ass looks, but that was just the begining.
this is where i had to go searching for plates, b/c the bench tree only had a total of 4 plates. I got some real nice looks as im loading 315 on a bench without a spotter. The absolute horrid atmosphere or the early hour must have hindered my focus b/c i only got
315X2. then i did my burnout set
onto db incline, which the was kinda hindered b/c the DB's only go to 80#
90X8.. too easy
onto pull ups
4 sets, different number of reps
BB bent rows
this is where i got broke off. I did interval training on the tredmill for 25 mins and Durring the last two sprints, i was dry heaving while running, but like i stated earlier, nothing was there to come out. I finished that and stagger to the water machine to get a drink. I was pretty damn sore and it wasnt even 645 yet. christ, i know why im not active duty!
Im gonna try to go to Orlando Barbell while im here to check out top powerlifter Brian shwabs place. wednesday will be the day i go and if i do, im gonna have pics of me doing some TB deads in a semi famous hardcore gym. Hell I might even meet the man himself! Goodtimes.
Cant wait to get home to my bed, my sleeping in and a big set of boobs in my hand
First, a pic of my newest ink. Now this is a pic from my blackberry, which suprisingly takes horrible pictures, but anywhere here it is

Its not much, but i like it. Once it finishes healing, it will look alot better. its about 3-4"s wide on my right forearm, right before the elbow.
Ok, onto this mornings training. I met my section leader @ his prissy ass gym called PF fitness. This place is THE absolute faggetiest place ive ever had the displeasure of training at. all the machines and weights are PURPLE! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Its nothing but old ladies, faggety guys doing curls with 10 lbs on a curl bar and more old ladies. They wont even let you wear a beanie or anything on your head besides a baseball cap. They dont seem to like people who actually lift real weights, although i did see a hot chick doing front squats. anyway. I started with..
barbell bench
barX5.. and when i got into my arched form, i got some funny ass looks, but that was just the begining.
this is where i had to go searching for plates, b/c the bench tree only had a total of 4 plates. I got some real nice looks as im loading 315 on a bench without a spotter. The absolute horrid atmosphere or the early hour must have hindered my focus b/c i only got
315X2. then i did my burnout set
onto db incline, which the was kinda hindered b/c the DB's only go to 80#
90X8.. too easy
onto pull ups
4 sets, different number of reps
BB bent rows
this is where i got broke off. I did interval training on the tredmill for 25 mins and Durring the last two sprints, i was dry heaving while running, but like i stated earlier, nothing was there to come out. I finished that and stagger to the water machine to get a drink. I was pretty damn sore and it wasnt even 645 yet. christ, i know why im not active duty!
Im gonna try to go to Orlando Barbell while im here to check out top powerlifter Brian shwabs place. wednesday will be the day i go and if i do, im gonna have pics of me doing some TB deads in a semi famous hardcore gym. Hell I might even meet the man himself! Goodtimes.
Cant wait to get home to my bed, my sleeping in and a big set of boobs in my hand
Friday, January 11, 2008
ME Lowerbody in the hood
went down to the hood yesterday to do some squating. Stopped off at yayas first to get some grubbage and then continued my 800 hour trek down to souf st pete......dawg. started with a quick dynamic warm up and some stretching and went straight into high box squats.
315X3 and finally
365X1 which is the highest weight ive squated in a year and a half. I know it sounds pathetic, but im getting my aquat above my bench and thats good.... cuz its normal.
then barbell step ups
135X6/leg and
went into stiff leg DL's for 2 sets just to do a hammy finisher
then after a short break i did 8 20 yard prowler pushes without any rest (cept for the last set i took a 15 sec breather) 4 with high, 4 with low
Then i grabbed 2 45 lb plates and farmer walked about 120 yards just to work a little grip action. Cleaned up, and went to the ink shop to drop off my new design for todays ink. Its nothing big, but its gonna be cool. Ill have pics this weekend. Tomorrow is strong man, and im gonna be hurtin.
Hannah Johnson LOVES me!
315X3 and finally
365X1 which is the highest weight ive squated in a year and a half. I know it sounds pathetic, but im getting my aquat above my bench and thats good.... cuz its normal.
then barbell step ups
135X6/leg and
went into stiff leg DL's for 2 sets just to do a hammy finisher
then after a short break i did 8 20 yard prowler pushes without any rest (cept for the last set i took a 15 sec breather) 4 with high, 4 with low
Then i grabbed 2 45 lb plates and farmer walked about 120 yards just to work a little grip action. Cleaned up, and went to the ink shop to drop off my new design for todays ink. Its nothing big, but its gonna be cool. Ill have pics this weekend. Tomorrow is strong man, and im gonna be hurtin.
Hannah Johnson LOVES me!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
ME upperbody with the beasts
Ryan and myself decided to stay up in civilization yesterday to do our big boy training. After a nice deception to get my "army buddy"(with a multicolored afro) into the gym without charge, we mosy our way back to the dark corner. With Brittany spears slightly blaring above our heads, we dig into the weights. Of course while we were training, Ryan watson who is a big time Personal trainer, an amazing athelete and a profesional bodybuilding weighing in at rock solid 280lbs @ 6'2", was training too which made our big boy lifts look like a wednesday morning womens pilates class. But we "soldier'd on" anyway.
Big boy bench
335X2 aaaand finally
225X12, which SUCKED!
Then we did Tbar Rows, which catches looks from average lifters when you put a bar in the corner and throw alot of weight on it! "Dont they make a machine that does that?"
6X4 and
then we did upward cable rows in the front of the mirror, just too look at myself fully flexed.
3 setsX8
then a burnout set for 21 reps
did some pull ups and that was it for lifting, which I was pretty taxed.
I went up and did some cardio
10 mins on horizontal bike which is working great for my flexability. I keep the seat really close so i have to widen my legs to peddle
then 15 mins on the eliptical, which I hate, but oh well.
Make sure you always completely wipe before sitting on a bycicle seat!
Big boy bench
335X2 aaaand finally
225X12, which SUCKED!
Then we did Tbar Rows, which catches looks from average lifters when you put a bar in the corner and throw alot of weight on it! "Dont they make a machine that does that?"
6X4 and
then we did upward cable rows in the front of the mirror, just too look at myself fully flexed.
3 setsX8
then a burnout set for 21 reps
did some pull ups and that was it for lifting, which I was pretty taxed.
I went up and did some cardio
10 mins on horizontal bike which is working great for my flexability. I keep the seat really close so i have to widen my legs to peddle
then 15 mins on the eliptical, which I hate, but oh well.
Make sure you always completely wipe before sitting on a bycicle seat!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
hey, no PT test for me
Thanks to my keen ability to sham the government, mixed with my complete and utter laziness, I got out of drill this weekend. So that means, i didnt have to wake up early, I could hangout with my friends aaaaaaaaand, i can fisnish my week of training. Time for a bodybuilding..uh i mean "repetition" day
Ive been working on my arch for my bench. Its coming along good and ive been moving the weight alot smoother and faster. I did catch a nice cramp in my hamstring on the 3rd set so i guess im driving through my legs!
onto tricep pressdowns
now closegrip lat pulldowns
barbell shrugs
finally DB hammer curls
20 mins cardio 10 on bike 10 on eliptical.
Got a great pump and im happy with my strength gains. Diet was good this week, feel pretty confident that im going to obtain my goal. Line dancin' time, BROTHER!!!!!
I wish i had motivational sign offs like my hero Ryan magin,
Ive been working on my arch for my bench. Its coming along good and ive been moving the weight alot smoother and faster. I did catch a nice cramp in my hamstring on the 3rd set so i guess im driving through my legs!
onto tricep pressdowns
now closegrip lat pulldowns
barbell shrugs
finally DB hammer curls
20 mins cardio 10 on bike 10 on eliptical.
Got a great pump and im happy with my strength gains. Diet was good this week, feel pretty confident that im going to obtain my goal. Line dancin' time, BROTHER!!!!!
I wish i had motivational sign offs like my hero Ryan magin,
Friday, January 4, 2008
Pussy ME lower
So I have a PT test this weekend that im going to completely bomb, so i decided to do a ME lower body workout, just not too extensive. BTW, ill let you know just how bad i do on sunday when i get back(its just the run that kills me, because i never run, which im gonna change soon, i swear)
Box squats
then step ups with the machine
then i skipped a second max big workout. I then went to
Hamstring curls
then for abs, i just made sure that i could do my proper amount of situps in the alotted time, which is 2 mins. I did so with ease and proceded to call it a night. Time to get up @ 330 to make it to orlando by 6 fuckin AM. Gotta love the government.
Box squats
then step ups with the machine
then i skipped a second max big workout. I then went to
Hamstring curls
then for abs, i just made sure that i could do my proper amount of situps in the alotted time, which is 2 mins. I did so with ease and proceded to call it a night. Time to get up @ 330 to make it to orlando by 6 fuckin AM. Gotta love the government.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
ME upper in the hood
Ryan was finally back to training, so i went down there and did a little upperbody day with him, instead of lifting with the tough guys, prissys and all around wankers at my local gym. it was cold out, so i finallly had an excuse to train in sweats. I was stoked! We started off with barbell bench
then since the gym was kinda full from elliot training a client, we did pullups first on the power rack.
then DB incline
90X8. Last week i did more weight, but strengthcamp only has up to 90#ers so i dealt with it.
;astly, was lat pulldown
and that was it. Prtty good day, fixin to go hit up a light lowerbody day seeing i have a PT test this weekend. Im pretty sure im gonna bomb the run, but i still wanna give it a shot, eh?
then since the gym was kinda full from elliot training a client, we did pullups first on the power rack.
then DB incline
90X8. Last week i did more weight, but strengthcamp only has up to 90#ers so i dealt with it.
;astly, was lat pulldown
and that was it. Prtty good day, fixin to go hit up a light lowerbody day seeing i have a PT test this weekend. Im pretty sure im gonna bomb the run, but i still wanna give it a shot, eh?
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