Monday, December 3, 2007

Training in the 'Hood

So today, i woke up and didnt feel like doing anything, so I didnt. Kinda felt like "Hollywood" Ryan Magin for a day. So around 530 i head down to the strength camp in sout st pete, aka "Da hood" and get ready for a good "sprint" day. We do the warm up, with some bear crawls added in for everyone cuz i was being a smart ass. Ok thats over... straight into the workout.. no break, no breather, no bend over and lube up, just straight into the anal raping.

We did reaction sprints with a raquetball first. Starting in the bottom pushup position you jump up and catch the ball being dropped by the coach before the 2nd bounce. 6 times through with that and we were just getting started. After a random run through with a 40 yard dash, we get into the meat and potatoes. 4 sets of this little gem of a workout they created

10 burpies...immedately into a
30 yard sprint then
10 pushups and then
30 yard backwards run.

4 sets, 1 minute rest in between. After that we did a relay team prolwer push to subway and back. Ended up pushing it 3 times, but not half as much as Matt Vass did. He was layed out for about 30 mins, including the ride back to civiliation. We had some ghetto kids gawking at us pushing that devil contraption, probably thinking that we were sick sadistic crazy fucking white kids, well minus arthur.... hes about as dark as they come (love ya buddy). So now im laying here, contemplating if im gonna go to work tomorrow or if i want another lazy day. Only time will tell.

Tomorrow is one of My BB day and i gotta run, unfortunatly. God i hate running. Why cant fat people be as cool as skinny kids. I think im living in the wrong period of civilization. Fat people used to be the shit.

1 comment:

Elliott Hulse said...

Fat kids were NEVER the shit. In fact, they were the ones that always
got the 'shit end of the stick'. Lets review:

1. Chunky from the Goonies "I smell Ice Cream"

2. Cartman from South Park "Mom's a whore"

3. The fat kid on the roller coster:

4. The kid who always got picked last for Dodgeball.

Need I say more?