Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Fat kids DID infact rule...

In the Roman empire, Social classes had a very noticeable split. If you were poor, that meant that you might not know where your next meal would come from. With that said, a person of larger than average size was concidered wealthy and plentiful, therefore they were the desireable person, over a less than average size person. today, anyone of any size can be wealthy or plentiful so the ame standard doesnt hold true. My point in this rambling is this, Fat kids today have it rough with the taunting and tormenting todays youth give. So this is what I say to fat kids everywhere; Dont give up hope! Trends and past traditions always come full circle back in style. It may not be in your lifetime, but someday, somewhere, Fat kids will be the shit, AGAIN! Of course i cant sympathize, ya know being a skinny kid and all....

Today was a great day in the life of the skinny kid. A huge burden that has weighed upon me for almost 6 years was unloaded(more on this later). So what did I do to celebrate? Well first i slept, slept alot actually... till about 1230pm. Then i got up and did my other two favorite things; Eat and train. Went down to Da' Hood and hit up some upperbody goodness, Bodybuilding style. We started with Floor presses and heres how that went down.
(all sets with 160 lbs of chain)

After that, we did pull ups
4sets X 6-8 reps

incline press was next
75lb DBs X10
80lb DBs X10
90lb DBs X10

then lat pull down super seted with band press downs for the tri's

I went through a KB routine after just to get some cardio, then went and ran for a couple mins to do the same.

I need to start running more, as i have a PT test coming up in Jan. Im gonna focus more on that, so yeah. Great day, tomorrow should be better

remember, dont give up hope, tubby. Someday soon!

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