Monday, December 17, 2007

Apparently I might not be weak.

I took a wek long hiatus from posting here, and mainly its because I havent trained much this week. I started a meal plan that i hoped would be benificial to me but I think it was more harmful than good. It was a drastic change in diet and my body did not like it. What resulted is me missing two training days all together and on thursday i slept from 630pm until 10am on friday, simply because I was drained of any and all energy. This week ive decided to deviate from that meal plan but keep a medified version of it just to keep my diet on track.

Anyway my last training day, which was wednesay the 12th, I did a max effort on TB DL. I started with a dynamic warmup and went straight into DL. I did a few warm up sets stopping at 315. After that, I loaded the bar with 495, sniffed the good stuff and proceeded to pull that bitch straight off the ground. Elliot as my witness, we put it on the board and I stumbled out to meet up with the rest of the schmucks on the street. What was my reward for lifting HEAVY ASS WEIGHT? 4 trips on the prowler and a couple sets of tire sled rows, of course. F'in A Cotton, F'in A. Eh, after that i was pretty well spent and decided to call it quits before the testosterone game started flaring up. I had a feeling my back was gonna be sore as shit the next day and like clockwork, it was. Oh well, I had plenty of rest, thanks to the famined state I was in the next couple of days. Back to training later on. First, its time for some good ol fashioned booty!


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