Wednesday, June 11, 2008

First shirted bench session

I went down to the gym today with my gear and was super stoked to get in it!

started of with the 1 ply inzer just to work on getting the groove

started out with the raw side
put on the shirt!
375X1 3 board
375X1 2 board
405X1 3 board
405X1 2 board
405X1 manpon (pretty much a 1/2board when compressed)

I had a great time, made every lift and look forward to doing some more!

then did the camp
Pullups 4X5 reps blue band
SS with resisted pushups
3X10 reps and 1 set with an 80lb sandbag on my back 1X10reps

mini band front/overhead raises
3X15 reps
SS with DB curl and press
55X5/arm X 2

ab circuit

It was storming like a Mofo down in st pete on monday. It was like 9pm at 530pm. It was pretty gnarly, but it got me out of having to do an extensive dynamic warm up, which really tears me up.

I need a job!

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