Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Death by Snoo Snoo

Except in this case, snoo snoo did not mean wild monkey sex with 40 foot tall secksy amazonian women(if you didnt get it, that means you A) dont watch Futurama and B) obviously arent cool). No, for me it meant death by Grip training. Almost every exercise i did today involved heavy grip training. This was the second day, 1st week of my 7 week competition training. Heres the play by play

Mild dynamic warm up.
230lb/hand Farmers carries
1X100' 27 seconds(one drop, grip gave out.
1X100' 13 seconds. Much better, very happy with that time

little break to go to 7-11 where i ran into a church group who was having a bad week. They were from Georgia and in one week they had sickness, death, money issues and to top it all off, one of the cars broke down and they couldnt figure out why. I tried to help them with some jumper cables and all that did is set my cables on fire. After i cleaned up that situation, i gave them some encouraging words and was on my way. I hope they get back to Georgia without any further hassle. Also spoke with a homeless Vet who had a son who was currently in Iraq. Seemed like a great guy. Unfortunatly, i spent my last dollar in cash i had on me on the slurpie i was holding in my hand. I felt like an ass.

Back to training
550lb tire
10 flips in 58 secs. I need to get at least 14 in one min. ill work on that
6 flips just to cool down

Tricep pushdowns with green band SS with 3 board tricep lockout bench
15 pushdown reps SS 225X10 reps X 2 sets
15 repsX SS 225X 15 reps X1

thick bar shrugs
315X12... trying to get the yokes standing up again.

Gotta cut this short, time to hit up some sonnys!

BW still 289

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