Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ever had one of those days?

what the hell am i saying, of course you have. The day when you know you need to go train, maybe b/c you have a huge initial strongman comp closing in fast, but you just dont feel like it. Its Friday; im beat up; im hungry; im tired; the game is on, all things that went eacing through my discouraged mind on friday night. Low and behold, my rational side shown through and i made the 3 min drive to the "commercial gym." That was about all the motivation i had left in me. I met a friend up there and he said he wanted to do some chest. "Ok, sounds good to me", i replied. DB incline bench was the poison of choice. Heres the pitch-by-pitch.

DB incline

Crushed that mother bitch. I felt good, but still not motivated

After talking with the local trainer(Ryan Watson and his wife, who were 2 weeks out from a body building competion, i still didnt feel motivated. Ryan had to be every bit of 275 sitting @4% BF. its crazy. Good luck to them.

Bicep curls, you say? OK lets do it

DB alternating curls

my beach muscles are showing. Thats it, i was finished. Kinda funny, but hey, i got a good assistance workout and i prepared myself for the beeting that would take place the following day

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